Friday, 8 March 2013

[About wiki]Two day set wiki in Raspberry pi!

In this two day I had install new system in my SD card which use for 512M Raspberry Pi, in this new system I had install JDK and tomcat7 as the command line web.
Also I had try to built an LNMP which is environment to support PHP and mysql server in raspberry pi, this sever I would to built the wiki station for this project.
I plan I can finished this wiki next week, because I wish I can publish this project when I finished my visa application and C++ class Test.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

[About the Project]It would design wiki for this Project!

I had finished the part of UI design.
It would had a lots of problems in this project(Link very slow in Raspberry Screen).But this show Raspberry can be use this way to control. The more important is the hardware in Raspberry Pi.
I would be try start with my report, hence it would be delay in this project. But I would try share my experience with others developers.
Hence I think I can design wiki page use mediawiki and show my project.
And I would publish Android Eat Raspberry Pi in the future.

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

[New way]Raspberry-Pi through Browser with VNC

sudo apt-get install x11vnc vnc-java
x11vnc -storepasswd
x11vnc -forever -usepw -httpdir /usr/share/vnc-java/ -httpport 5800

This way need the browser support run java.

Monday, 18 February 2013

[Analysis]About future study

There would be get the beta for AEPweb and in the future would be think other way to make the GUI work in the raspberry pi. There had try like html5 and jsp with the vnc viwer in raspberry pi, the picture sent to viewer is problem in this two months. There is an good ideal of  Guacamole which support linux in 32bits and 64bits. Maybe think of to use this code to run in raspberry is an good ideal, because java in same time would waste raspberry pi CPU!!!